Let’s Dig Deeper ELF in brief part-1 | 0x05 | Binary Exploitation#6Hi friends, in the last blog we have seen about the basics of the x86_64assembly.In this blog, we gonna dig deep inside the file format…Jun 8, 20211Jun 8, 20211
Assembly Language x86_64 basics | 0x04 | Bin Exp#4Hi friends, in the last blog I wrote about the compilation process of C. In this blog, we going to see the basics of x86_64 Assembly…May 16, 20211May 16, 20211
Behind the scenes of CPU | How a CPU works | 0x03 | Bin exp#4Hi friends, in the last blog I write about the C compilation process in this blog we are going to see the behind of the process of CPU and…May 1, 2021May 1, 2021
The C compilation process | Bin exp#2Hi friends, In my last blog I write about the introduction to C. Here we are going to break down the compilation process of C.So let’s get…Apr 8, 2021Apr 8, 2021
Introduction to C | C for Binary ExploitationIn my last blog, I write about the intro for binary exploitation but here I going to tell you about how the C is important to Binary…Apr 8, 2021Apr 8, 2021